ouvrages / books

Retrouvez sur cette page toute la bilbiographie qui a été utilisée pour l'identification des plantes présentées sur ce site.
Find in this page the bibliography which was used for identification of all plants in this website.

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Wild flowers of South China and Hong Kong vol.1
Wild flowers of South China and Hong Kong vol.2
Flora of Dulongjian Region, Li Heng
Sylva Sinica
Flora of China , text + illustrations
Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae
Flora Yunnanica
Travels in China, Roy Lancaster
The Araliaceae of China, Hui-Lin Li
Wils flowers of Pakistan, Yasin J. Nasir & Rubina A. Rafiq
Higher Plants of China
The wild flowers in Hengduan Mountains in Yunnan China
Yunnan Camellias of China, Kunming Institute of Botany Academia Sinica
Highland flowers of Yunnan
Rare and precious wild flowers of China, vol.1
Rare and precious wild flowers of China, vol.2
Famous flowers from Yunnan, Yunnan Science and Technology Press
Flore illustrée du nord de la Chine
Flora Plantarum Herbacearum Chinae Boreali-Orientalis
Plantae Davidianae, Franchet
Woody flora of Hunan
The Lilies of China
Pharmacopée et médecine traditionnelle chinoise
Iris of China
Wildflowers of Northern Mongolia, J. Oyumaa
Grasses & sedges of Hong Kong
Rhododendrons of China (in chinese)
Rhododendrons of China, American Rhododendron Society
Rare trees in Yunnan Province

Rare flowers and unusual trees, a collection of Yunnan's most treasured plants

Tropical wild flowers and plants in Xishuangbanna
Iconographia Cormophytorum Sinicorum
Enumeration of all the plants know from China Proper, Formosa, Hainan, the Corea, & Hongkong
2/ Himalaya
Flowers of the Himalaya
Flowers of the Himalaya, A supplement


Flora Xizangica


Flora of Kashmir Himalaya

Sikkim-Himalayan Rhododendrons

The alpine flora of the Jaljale Himal, East Nepal

Flora of Langtang

Flora of Phulchoki and Godawari
Rare, Endemic and Endangered plants of Nepal, WWF Nepal Program

Flowering plants of India, Nepal & Bhutan

Flora of Bhutan, including a record of plants from Sikkim and Darjeeling
Plant diversity of the Himalaya
Flora of Sikkim
Asteraceae of Sikkim
Zingiberaceae of Sikkim
Portraits of Himalayan flowers
Gentianaceae of north west Himalayas
Plants and people of Nepal
100 Himalayan flowers
A plantsman in Nepal
Handbook of some important Himalayan shrubs
Trees of the Sikkim Himalaya
Flora of Eastern Himalaya
The Scrophulariaceae of the western Himalayas
Medicinal plants of Dolpo
Ferns, the beauty of Nepalese flora
The Rhododendrons of Nepal
Flowers of the western Himalayas
Trees & shrubs of Nepal and the Himalayas
Oaks of India, Nepal and Bhutan
The alpine and sub-alpine vegetation of south-east Sikkim
Medicinal plants of Nepal
Himalayan flowers and trees
Medicinal plants of Indian Trans-Himalaya
Beautiful flowers of Kashmir
Sikkim Himalaya, Travels in the Cloud Kingdom
Plants of Darjeeling and the Sikkim Himalayas
Wild edible plants of Nepal
3/ Taiwan
Flora of Taiwan
Flora Montana Formosae, B. Hayata
4/ Asia min.
Flora of Turkey
Nouvelle flore du Liban et de la Syrie
Illustrationes Plantarum Orientalium, Jaubert & Spach
Icones Plantarum Syriae rariorum
Flowers of the Eastern Mediterranean
Enumeratio Plantarum in Caucaso, S. Sommier & E. Levier
Asie mineure, P. de Tchihatcheff
5/ Russia & Central Asia
Flora of the U.S.S.R.
Flore de l'Iran en couleurs
Primitiae Florae Amurensis
Botany of the Afghan, J.E.T. Aitchison
Flora of Iraq
Flora Altaica, G.H. Bongard & C.A. Meyer
Plantae Asiae Centralis
6/ Japan & Korea
Flora of Japan
Wild flowers of Japan ,a field guide
Wild flowers of Japan
Woody plants of Japan
Alpine flowers of Japan
Colored illustrations of herbaceous plants of Japan
Flora Japonica, Siebold
Flora Japonica, Thunberg
Flora of Okinawa and the southern Ryukyu Islands
Catalogue of the type specimen preserved in the Herbarium .../... University of Tokyo, part.1 : Araceae
Japanese plants
Flora Koreana, T. Nakai
Flora Sylvatica Koreana
7/ India
A flora of Manila
Flora of Rajasthan
Flowering plants of Eastern India
Fascicles of flora of India
Flora of Manipur
Flora of Himachal Pradesh
The flora of Delhi
The Poppies of Indian Region
Threatened plants of India
Medicinal plants of India & Pakistan
Useful plants of India & Pakistan
Aconities of India, A monograph
The trees of northern Bengal
The book of Indian trees
Flora of British India
Red data book of Indian plants
The family Rosaceae in India
Medicinal flowers of India and adjacent regions
Lianas, climber and shrubby climbers
The flowering plants of western India
Medicinal plants of India
Flora of Ceylon
8/ Tropical Asia
Flore générale de l'Indo-Chine
Flore du Cambodge, du Laos et du Vietnam
Flowering plants of Thailand
Flora Malesiana
Philippine ornamental plants
Magnificent plants, Malaysian natural heritage
Guide to Philippine flora and fauna
Plants of the Philippines
An illustrated flora of Vietnam
Paysages végétaux et plantes de la Péninsule indochinoise
The plants of Mount Kinabalu
Legumes of Indo-China, a checklist
A checklist of the flowering plants and gymnosperms of Brunei Darussalam
The taxonomy and phytochemistry of the Asclepiadaceae in Tropical Asia
Rhododendrons of Sabah
Plants and flowers of Malaysia
Plants and flowers of Singapore
Flora of Nederlandsch Indie, F.A.W. Miquel
The concise flora of Singapore
9/ Orchids
Orchids of Borneo
Orchids of Java
The plants of Mount Kinabalu
Philippine orchids
Orchids of Vanuatu
The genus Cypripedium
10/ Carnivorous plants
Nepenthes of Sumatra
11/ Bamboos
12/ Monographs
13/ Palms & Cycads